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20190731 BiTEK remote control application4
https://www.bitek.com.tw/en/ Beyond Innovation Technology
Beyond Innovation Technology 20F., No.75, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 221, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
BiTEK Ultrasonic Cutting Application, bring you advantages:Easy cut, blade exchangable Small size, portable design Low temperature operation, no fan Good heat isolation of cutter shell Automatic frequency locked No need for pre-heatting, cut from power-on Cutting force adjustable Auto-standby for power saving Auto-stop for malfunction protection BiTEK support technique of Ultrasonic driving design. Please contact with sales people. https://www.bitek.com.tw/en/hot_485091.html 20240208 BiTEK Ultrasonic Cutting application -- the best solution 2024-06-12 2025-06-12
Beyond Innovation Technology 20F., No.75, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 221, Taiwan (R.O.C.) https://www.bitek.com.tw/en/hot_485091.html
Beyond Innovation Technology 20F., No.75, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 221, Taiwan (R.O.C.) https://www.bitek.com.tw/en/hot_485091.html
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智慧型遙控器, 不一定會複雜, 也不一定是手機APP


    很多人一想到智慧型遙控器, 腦海裡就出現一個很多按鍵的大盒子, 或是手機上的APP, 但其實我們只是需要一個簡單又聰明的遙控器罷了!! 

    在以往, 越強的遙控器越複雜, 有很多按鍵操作這些複雜功能, 但按鍵多也意味著失效的機率大, 這麼多按鍵定義也因人而異常常看不懂, 且結構複雜製造成本高. 另外也有用手機APP取代遙控器, 但是APP需要設定/學習對一般人障礙高, 且製造商須負擔額外的雲端成本使得商品售價高, 以致於並不普及.

    所以好用的遙控器必須功能齊全, 操作簡單不需學習, 要能圖像式操作沒有文字說明的障礙, 小巧省電且耐用. 對製造商而言必須結購簡單容易生產, 且能迅速改變功能來對應不同客戶的需求, 降低生產成本.

    碩頡科技的智慧遙控器解決方案, 符合大眾對遙控器所有的期待, 應用BiTEK芯片結合液晶顯示及觸控技術, 提供硬/軟件參考設計, 解決現存遙控器的問題.

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